NONSOLUS Demo (1.11) Update + Patch Notes

Greetings again, detectives.

Below you will find patch notes for update 1.11 (which may be the last patch for this demo). Unlike the previous patch, it is highly recommended you reinstall this as it fixes major issues that can make the demo unplayable.

Wait, what was that in those parentheses? To keep things short and simple; this patch is a "rapid re-fix" to make sure the game is playable and looks slightly better, With this being a low-priority demo and all, subsequent patches are not planned for expected. (There are still plans for a full release, but they are only that. Plans.)

The long of it is that this patch was originally going to be 1.2. It would have fixed the major issues that could crash or break things in the game, add some optional hints for some of the harder puzzles, and spice things up a bit with some quality improvements (I don't know about you, but I've "spoted quiet" a few typos). However when it was about 80% done, nearly all of the progress was lost due to technical errors. (The entire game's updated script was deleted, but there were several older backups). Since the demo under certain circumstances could lock players out of finishing it, we did what we could as fast as we could to get better quality and unbroken sequences set up for a quick patch, leaving out about "0.09" worth of updated content. While the last 0.09 would have been a nice addition, it is not necessary for this demo. This is only roughly 18~% of what's planned for a full game.

Thanks for playing!


Fixed an issue where the Hotel Hallway object could prevent players from entering, halting progressing beyond the 2nd Interactive Room.

Fixed an issue where interacting with the Hotel Hallway object on Day 2 would cause a sequence break. Hotel Hallway object has been removed from Day 2's morning sequence.

Fixed an issue where the Framed Map object didn't change color when hovered over with a cursor.

Fixed an issue where the I-Action Menu for objects in the Apartment Kitchen were not cleared upon leaving the area.

Added some tutorial narration for the start of the game. An additional line of tutorial narration can be found later in the game as well. 

Updated spritework for Watcher Alyss and Watcher Heiser to better fit the game's aesthetic.

Updated spritework for Watcher Daug's "Lowered Weapon" sprite.

Added Custom In-Game Cursor

Updated, replaced, and/or added new various backgrounds.

Added visual clues to the First Nightmare Puzzle. Players can now solve the puzzle without relying on audio.

The Window object in the Apartment can now be interacted with.

Head Doctor Monicus's Office now has a useable Mirror object.


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